Thursday 22 November 2012

Let Not Darkness Suppress The Growth Of Your Plants - There are Colourful Grow Lamps To Enlighten Them

growing lights

The growing light supplies plants with a spectrum that provides plants with necessary light and that too in the quantities that the plants require. There are mainly blue and red colours available in a growing lights. These colours get utilised at various stages of the plant growth; during the early phases when the vegetation takes place the blue colour is needed and as soon as flowering occurs the orange-red light is required.

The grow lamp are the best companions that help plants grow, for the simple that provide an important element that is very important for the plants to grow. Plants are not able to get adequate amount of sunlight over the period of a year as such they need a supplement that can replace the sunlight. For such reasons technology has come out with a magnificent device in the form of a grow lamps. You can either buy different bulbs of different colours or buy them from brands that sell a single bulb that has all the colours.

There are various types of such lamps available in the market but the lamps that are mostly in high demand boil down to three: High pressure sodium lamps, Incandescent Grow lights and Fluorescent Grow lights. These lights differ in the amount of energy they consume, the amount of power that they can produce and colour so depending on how bigger your garden with plants is and what are the other requirements you can choose from amongst them and give your plants the nutrition that is required.

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